Woo Hoo! Each one of us placed in our category yesterday, which was quite an accomplishment.
It was a hot day in Calistoga, at the Napa County Fair, and 25 dishes were entered. Dad was up first, and had a beautifully plated dish of
Drilled Pork Tenderloin, garnished with grapes and rosemary.
How did he do it? First he froze tightly compacted pork tenderloins. He then used a 9/16 wood drill bit to carve a tunnel through the meat. Then, he par-cooked (that means halfway)

some thick-sliced bacon sprinkled with brown sugar. He added some garlic, spices, olive oil and love, then marinated the stuffed tenderloin in yet more garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper for a day or two. Grill it over high heat for about 20 minutes, rest for a few more, then slice into the beautiful pieces you see to the right.
And, he won second place in the Pork Category! Yay Dad! For me, the day was finally here. A dish that I had tried, tweaked, and practiced over and over was finally to be put to the ultimate test, a grilling contest. The stakes were high; I was a past winner, I came from a culinarily-minded family and I had told everyone I knew I was doing it. To not garner some

sort of victory would be a crushing, embarrassing blow. So, with some assembly assistance from Mom, quiet encouragement from the husband and lots of bacon fat, I was able to persevere.
Deconstructed Beef Wellington was success due to a few last-minute factors. I knew that the key to awesome filet mignon was adding fat, so I fried up some bacon the day before and slathered the meat with the fat prior to grilling. I also used the tarragon horseradish cream as garnish (see post below), and the
great people at
HALL Wines gave me a bottle of their spectacular Merlot to pour.
I ended up winning first place in the Beef Category. Yay, Me!
Finally, it was Mom's turn, for her
Grilled Lime Margarita. She and Dad sprinkled some fresh, thick-cut limes with Kosher salt, and grilled them over high heat on the barbecue. She also mixed up some home-made guacamole. To garnish her margaritas (which are a family secret, I'll ask if I can share), she placed the standard glasses on a plate. Two large leaves of endive were filled with the guacamole, and positioned next to the base of the glass. the grilled
limes were put on the rim of the glass, and garlic flowers were sprinkled on the plate below. The judges, who had been tasting 23 entries of fish, pork, game and beef all afternoon, were excited to have such a pretty, re

freshing cocktail. Word spread around the grounds that this was an awesome margarita, and a line formed in front of our table for a sample. The crowd was quite impressed. So were the judges;
Mom won third place in the Vegetarian category for her Grilled Lime Margarita. Yay, Mom!
None of us won best of show, as that honor went to a guy who actually has owned restaurants and has been a professional chef. BUT...we got what we came for: a ribbon in each category entered, and a fun day with family and

(Sorry about the wonky photo placement; I'm still getting the hang of this thing!)